Thursday, November 8, 2012

Quick post

The last several days I've been working through several things.
One of them is contentment.

I've been apart of several worship services and conversations lately where "contentment" is the main topic... taking many different directions for each.

Personally it hits me in a few main categories in my life (knowing there are probably several others as well - these are what come to mind first).
1. Spiritual
2. Material
3. Relational

#1 - I feel we can always strive for a better walk with our Lord. So... It's easy to keep pushing on in my faith - to at the very least to have the desire to continue to push forward. Sometimes we all need help from others.

#2 - Generally speaking, I feel like I am very content with the "Material" side of things in my life. I have been blessed to not have a need for anything. I feel in some ways I have what our Pastor preached on a few weeks ago as "more than enough". Though I know, in this, sometimes I don't take the best care of my "more than enough" so it seems like I don't have the option to bless others with it. I know that if I continually give my needs and wants over to the Lord that He will continue to provide my needs and help me sort through my wants.

#3 - I REALLY struggle with this one. I love my relationships with my family and friends. I may be biased, but I truly believe I have been blessed with some of the best friends and family I could ever ask for. God has placed such supporting, encouraging, and "healthy" challenging people in my life to push me forward in maturity, and growth as a person in all aspects of life. I try to continually praise the Lord for the gift of them He has given me. One thing I have a hard time with though is trust that the Lord will bring me the man of my dreams along. I had a rough go the last several weeks and even months on this one. (It definitely seems to be an emotional roller coaster at times...) This past weekend I have had a full peace about this part of my relationship status come over me. I have dealt with a hard "blow" from a guy recently (most likely unknown to him) that really made me search after the Lord that much stronger. Leaning on my faith and trust in Him that much more. Realizing that God is and should truly be my One Desire. It will probably be a constant battle for a while. Something I will have to give over to Him daily, and maybe even hourly on some days... but in the end I know, without a shadow of a doubt. He is completely and utterly worth it to the full extent.

The following songs have been a huge part of my life lately. Please enjoy and take care as you see and listen to my heart through song....

Steady My Heart - Kari Jobe

Footprints in the Sand - Leona Lewis

Find You On My Knees - Kari Jobe

Here - Kari Jobe

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Prep unlike the others....

Good Morning to you all,

This morning as I sit here thinking....

Today is the day that I don't go to work. I have been working for 34 days straight and get the day off. My company is in TurnAround mode with the refineries so we are running 2 - 12 hour shifts a day to get the work done. I have a 9am deadline each day to make, so one of my co-workers and I show up at work around 5am each day and work like crazy to get the labor hours of our other coworkers submitting into the online accounting system by that deadline.... and without a hitch it has happend all but day 2 of this long stretch. (today may be another). We were told , by our great bosses to take today off. This is an amazing gift to be offered so we took them up on it! It causes a few issuses though... That means others are making the deadline for us... and even though they will probably do a great job, it's still another hand that is doing work and we get to weed through it later on and see how it was all accomplished.

Today is the day that I get to sit with my family and friends and remember what it really means. My Cousin and Aunt just returned early this morning from Haiti. They were there for 10 days covering my cousin's spring break! We are all hoping they can be alert enough, after the long traveling, at the family celebration to share some of their experiences with us. It's always incredible to hear of how God was involved in these types of trips! It will be a different sort of celebration time with family due to schedules of everyone today, but it will be so nice to enjoy the precious time together. I take time with family and friends for granit sometimes.

Today is the day when the ladies when to the tomb and found it empty over 2000 years ago. Today is the day of GREAT joy. Today is the day we can be thankful that unlike any other person, Jesus, came and wiped clean EVERY sin from each of us. I can't express my gratitude to the Lord enough. The fact is that Christ died a horrible and suffering death for each and every person that ever was, is, and were to walk the earth... Bless you, Father!
We have a choice today. To remember the blessing it is to serve a God to GREAT and so wonderful or think about everything that seems to not be going the way we want it.

Jesus? ALIVE!

Praise the Lord! He is RISEN!!!!

Happy Easter everyone!