Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wants and Desires

Last time I posted I talked about contentment. Well, here's a spin on it with a focus on Spiritual contentment.
I have realized that I'm not as content with things as I thought.
I would like more clothes, yet I'm getting rid of a bunch.
I would like a new car, yet I have a good reliable fuel efficient car already.
I would like a dog, yet I don't have time for one.
I would like a house, yet I don't have the finances or time for one.
I would like a deeper relationship with the Lord, yet I don't make it a priority.
I would like to do missions work in another county, yet I am scared & don't feel I can leave my job.
Sometimes I feel like even though I'm doing lots of good stuff, it's all successful (overall) and most all of it is impacting the Lord's Kingdom, I feel as though I'm just not quite "there" yet.
Obviously we all keep working on things. We never quite reach the goal we set for ourselves, and we can ALWAYS be striving for something better. Especially when it comes to our relationship with Christ.
Recently I have a desire for more boldness in my faith. I want to be more bold with courage to talk to my coworkers, family, friends, and students about Jesus and how He can impact their lives as He has mine. However, I have also realized one of the reasons it has been such a struggle is because often times it's a reflection of your own relationship with Christ.
I believe in God, many people do. I believe it's not about just believing in God, it's also about a relationship. Sometimes I forget the truly incredible gift He gave us by sending His son and the magnitude of that gift. I realize how easy it is to accept it. That's what I have been teaching students and many others for years. All you have to do is receive the gift. It's there for the taking. You just have to take it.
However, one of the things I miss in these teachings is this. The gift is precious, and it has several benefits. One of which is a relationship with Our Creator. How cool, right? But like any relationship, you have to take care of it and nurture it. It takes some work.
Work: Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.
Effort - talking, learning and listening.
We need to talk with God. It's a 2 way conversation. You talk some and you listen some. I like to think of it as.... I want to call or text my best friend to tell her about my day, I don't even have to text God, He's just there waiting to hear all about it, no matter where I am.
Learning.... The Bible is PACKED with treasures.... studying it [regularly] will unlock the important and applicable truths. I am in a spot in my life where I am yearning for something of treasure.... Something that I can dive in and drink until my never ending thirst is quenched. And only by the Holy Spirit in the God breathed words of scripture will this happen.
In my daily activities I am surrounded by this type of information, and regularly am I reminded that my daily walk or even weekly walk isn't what it should be. So, here I go.
Each moment and each day is a new beginning. Each meeting with the Lord is a fresh start to only get deeper from where you are and where I am right now. 
Next up.... digging deeper! And taking it just one day at a time!
Talking with God more often, reading the word more regularly, and just finding the place and time to...